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    What is an Ideal Client Profile and How Can it Help Me?


      This is the latest edition in our quick-and-practical Q&A style videos. Questions come from social channels, keyword analysis, and readers of this blog. A transcript accompanies each video.

      What is an Ideal Client Profile and How Can it Help Me?
      What is an ideal client profile and how can it help me?
      So, an ideal client profile is a way for you to identify who your ideal client is. It’s pretty simple really.
      What you want to do is you want to think about the ideal client and you want to think about what their most pressing needs are, who they are, what type of people are they; and what that does is allow you to really think about who you’re trying to serve and what messages will resonate best with them when you’re trying to reach out to them and you’re trying to persuade them you are the best professional to work with them for whatever their needs are.
      So, establishing an ideal client profile is often considered the first step in defining your marketing message and how you’re gonna reach out to people and really talk to them about how you are the best possible fit for their needs at any given time.

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